Maha Kumbh 2025: The Glorious Spiritual Confluence and Its Importance World Over
Thursday, 30 January 2025
Maha Kumbh Mela 2025 is the biggest spiritual congregation in the world. It is being organised between January 13 and February 26, 2025, in Prayagraj, India. It is a sacred festival held every 144 years, and this Maha Kumbh marks the culmination of an impressive twelve Kumbh cycles, thus making it an extremely auspicious and
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Guide to Hindu Marriage Officiants in the UK: Roles, Rituals, and Costs Explained
Wednesday, 01 January 2025
Hindu marriages are steeped in tradition and spiritual significance. They are an integral part of Vedic culture. In the UK, such ceremonies are a vibrant tapestry of ancient rituals and modern adaptations, creating a unique blend of cultural heritage and contemporary values. In the center of such a sophisticated ceremony is the Hindu marriage officiant,
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Griha Pravesh Muhurat 2025: Auspicious Dates for Housewarming
Monday, 16 December 2024
Griha Pravesh Muhurat 2025: Auspicious Dates for Housewarming Griha Pravesh Muhurat 2025: Griha Pravesh is also an essential and auspicious occasion in the Hindu tradition, just as auspicious timings or mahurat are needed for activities like weddings. Griha Pravesh is therefore performed at some auspicious timings to attain success and good fortune. Here are suitable
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Hindu Wedding Shub Muhurat in 2025? Select That Culminate Date For Your Wedding!!
Tuesday, 10 December 2024
Hindu Wedding Shub Muhurat in 2025? Select That Culminate Date For Your Wedding!! Marriage Muhurat in 2025: A wedding is very a holy observance and upbeat event; particularly it symbolizes unification in India, relating to both the souls of the darlings and their family. But in arranging any Hindu marriage, the promising date or Shubh
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Transforming Mangal Dosha into Blessings: Expert Insights by Hindu Priest Arjun Pandey
Thursday, 07 November 2024
Mangal Dosha has gained the notoriety of ruining the well-being of married lives. Anger, disputes, and even litigation are but a few outcomes of such a dosha in one’s birth chart. According to renowned Hindu Priest Arjun Pandey, there exist astro remedies to neutralize the evil effect of aggressive and powerful Mars. People with such
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Diwali 2024: Date, Importance, and Praises
Tuesday, 22 October 2024
Diwali, or the festival of lights, is of great importance in the Hindu faith. Diwali is observed during the Hindu month of Kartik’s new moon night, or Amavasya. Diwali in2024 falls on 31st October. The festival represents the triumph of good over evil and of light over darkness. Diwali 2024 Date Explanation It is believed
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Dussehra 2024: Festival, Meaning, Pooja & Significance
Monday, 07 October 2024
Dussehra, also known as Vijayadashami, Dasara, Dashahara, and Dashain, is a colorful Hindu festival replete with joy and fervor. It generally falls in September or October, on the 10th day of the bright half of the Hindu month Ashvin. In 2024, Dussehra will be celebrated on October 12th. The festival is imbued with Hindu culture
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Purify Your Home to Welcome Maa Durga: Navratri 2024 Cleaning Guide
Saturday, 21 September 2024
Shardiya Navratri-the nine-night-long joyous festival in the honor of Goddess Durgabegins this year on October 3 and culminates with Vijayadashami on October 12. As devotees gear up to welcome Maa Durga into their homes and hearts, a thorough cleansing ritual has to be performed in order to invite her blessings. London-based Hindu Priest Arjun Pandey
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Pitru Paksha 2024 Start And End Dates: Complete Guide to Shradh Rituals
Sunday, 01 September 2024
Pitru Paksha 2024 Start Date Pitru Paksha 2024, an important time in Hindu tradition to honor ancestors, begins on September 17 and ends on October 2. This sacred period sees people performing rituals like Shradh and Tarpan to bring peace and salvation to the souls of their ancestors. Pitru Paksha starts on the Full Moon
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Griha Pravesh Muhurat In 2024: A Guide for Hindu Homeowners
Sunday, 04 August 2024
Understanding Griha Pravesh Muhurat Griha Pravesh Muhurat 2024, the auspicious ceremony of entering a new home, holds immense significance in Hindu culture. It marks the beginning of a new chapter and invites prosperity and happiness into the dwelling. Choosing the right Muhurat (auspicious time) for Griha Pravesh is crucial to ensure a harmonious and prosperous
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Kalash Puja Vidhi for New Home | Hindu Priest London
Monday, 17 April 2023
Welcome to! If you’re a Hindu homeowner looking to perform the auspicious Kalash Puja Vidhi for your new home, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog, we will guide you through the traditional rituals and customs of Kalash Puja, which is believed to bring blessings and prosperity to your new abode. What
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Saptapadhi Meaning in Hindu Marriage
Monday, 10 April 2023
The Hindu wedding ceremony is a traditional, revered occasion that includes a number of rites and traditions. The Saptapadi ceremony, in which the bride and groom exchange seven vows in front of a sacred fire, is one of the most crucial and vital rites in Hindu marriages. The Saptapadi ceremony is a lovely and symbolic
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Griha Pravesh: Tips on Housewarming Ceremony (blessing your New House)
Monday, 03 April 2023
Griha Pravesh, sometimes referred to as a housewarming ceremony, is a special puja that ushers one into a new phase of life. It is an auspicious celebration in Hindu culture that honors the new dwelling and welcomes Lord’s blessings and good karma. If you are planning a Griha Pravesh ceremony for your new home, here
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Best Hindu Priests in London
Friday, 24 March 2023
Hindu priests, or pandits, play an important role in Hindu worship and rituals and are expected to have extensive knowledge of the Hindu scriptures, traditions, and practices. They are responsible for leading religious ceremonies, performing various puja rituals, and providing guidance and spiritual support to the community. When looking for a Hindu priest in London,
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Gujrati Hindu Ceremony | Contact Best Hindu Priest in London
Wednesday, 01 March 2023
In Hindu tradition, marriage is viewed as the most important stage of the four stages of life. As well as being the union of two souls, it is also regarded as a bond between two families. At its core, the Hindu wedding ceremony unites two individual souls spiritually, mentally, and physically. The bond of matrimony
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Vedic Hindu Wedding Order of Ceremony | Hindu Weeding Ceremony
Friday, 17 February 2023
Vedic Hindu Wedding Ceremony In Hindu tradition, marriage is viewed as the most important stage of the four stages of life. As well as being the union of two souls, it is also regarded as a bond between two families. At its core, the Hindu wedding ceremony unites two individual souls spiritually, mentally, and physically.
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What is Puja and Why Should we Perform? – HinduPriest
Wednesday, 01 February 2023
What is Puja and Why Should we Perform? Revealed by the ancient sages, and passed on for thousands of years without changes, puja is the science and art of invoking and honoring the living presence of God with love and devotion. The Sanskrit mantras and practices of traditional puja come to us from the Vedas,
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How to Perform Hindu Griha Pravesh Puja?
Tuesday, 30 July 2019
Buying a house is a matter of great excitement for everyone. The new house is a source of new hopes and aspirations. It’s a result of hard work, austerity and gives the sense of achievement in life, it is a place one makes many decisions in life that will matter lot, hence the entry into
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What is Saptapadi Ceremony in Hindu marriage?
Monday, 29 July 2019
As saying goes Marriages are made in Heaven, but celebrated on earth, Hindu wedding ceremony is indeed an elaborate celebration, consists of many different rituals, rites, traditions, and grand ceremonies, that stretch for days prior and after the actual date of the marriage. But now it has come down to religious ceremony before wedding, on
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What is Hindu Simanta ceremony or Seemantham?
Monday, 29 July 2019
Simantonnayana is the traditional Indian baby shower. This ceremony has a different name according to which part of India your family roots originate. It has many different names Simanta Simantakarana, Seemantonnayan Godh bharai Khoro according to Hindu Scriptures. This ritual is for the mental development of the foetus) ‘Seemant’ – this vernacular word literally means
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How is Hindu Pind Daan or Shradh performed?
Monday, 29 July 2019
The sacred Vedic texts and Griya Sutras are manual for man kinds; teachings within these sacred text are the foundation of the Hindu religion. If we look deep into these religious text the center of Hinduism is family and its traditions. Respect for family and ancestors is a pillar of vedic culture the Hindu religion
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What is Hindu Kanyadan and Hasta Milap?
Monday, 29 July 2019
Kanyadan (Giving the Bride’s hand to the groom) and Hasta Milap (Joining of Hands) are both important parts of the traditional Hindu wedding ceremony. The Kanyadan takes place in the name of the Deity Kaama. The Kanyadaan ceremony marks the biggest transition in a bride’s life. The ceremony confirms the change of role in her
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What are Hindu funeral rituals or Antyeshti?
Monday, 29 July 2019
Antyeshti, the Hindu funeral rite is the last samskara of sixteen. The word “Antyeshti” means “the last sacrifice” in Sanskrit. The funeral rituals differ, depending on where the funeral is performed: in India or in the West, in England. In India, Hindus usually cremate the bodies of their loved ones. The only exceptions are young
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What is Hindu Annaprashan or Rice Feeding Ceremony?
Monday, 29 July 2019
Annaprashana is one of the most significant samskaras, an ancient Hindu ritual that marks the child’s first intake of solid food. The word “Anna-prashanna” is a Sanskrit word, and it literally means “grain feeding.” Since this is the first time that the baby will eat solid food, the event is celebrated by family, relatives, and
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How is Hindu Wedding Ceremony performed?
Monday, 29 July 2019
Vivaha, the Hindu wedding ceremony is one of the most important Hindu samskara (rites of passages). The Hindu marriage is not just about signing documents; the actual ceremony is rich in traditional elements and rituals, and it creates a deep bond between the bride, the groom, and the two families. Moreover, the wedding ceremony has
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What is Hindu Mundan Ceremony?
Monday, 29 July 2019
The grihya (domestic) sutras ( manual) are the Vedic manuals written by different sages, over the period of time which deal with the performance of the domestic ritual by man or women, one of oldest written manual for humankind, these ritualistic ceremonies are known as Samakaras, such as conception, birth, Mundan, initiation, marriage, death, etc.
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Rig Veda 10.85.36, Atharva Veda 14.1.50
Tuesday, 27 November 2018
I hold your hand for prosperity so that we will reach old age together.
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Rig Veda 10.85.45
Monday, 22 August 2016
“Be a queen over you father-in-law and a queen over your father-in-law. Be a queen over your sisters-in-law and brothers-in-law.”
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