How is Hindu Wedding Ceremony performed?
Monday, 29 July 2019
Vivaha, the Hindu wedding ceremony is one of the most important Hindu samskara (rites of passages). The Hindu marriage is not just about signing documents; the actual ceremony is rich in traditional elements and rituals, and it creates a deep bond between the bride, the groom, and the two families. Moreover, the wedding ceremony has
- Published in Ceremonies
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What is Hindu Mundan Ceremony?
Monday, 29 July 2019
The grihya (domestic) sutras ( manual) are the Vedic manuals written by different sages, over the period of time which deal with the performance of the domestic ritual by man or women, one of oldest written manual for humankind, these ritualistic ceremonies are known as Samakaras, such as conception, birth, Mundan, initiation, marriage, death, etc.
- Published in Ceremonies